quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2013


I love Heavy Metal (the comics) so I did something that reminded me of the voluptuous women, the crazy armors and even crazier places they battled.

terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013


So I recently started doing a bunch of portraits of boys for a graphic novel I'm writing, so I painted one of them to see what it would look like.

He turned out kinda ugly but I like him.

quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2012

Who's Bad?

Michael has been an idol for me since I was a kid. His death made me go back and re-listen to his amazing music and re-watch his amazing short films. Nonetheless, the BAD 25 album and documentary inspired me to do this one.
I also used these great pictures as reference:

segunda-feira, 5 de novembro de 2012

Super Stress

Just finished this piece and I'm very proud of it. Been testing some new stuff on SAI, thanks to a variety of tutorials. 

This one came from my sketchbook:
And I also used this picture as reference for the sky:
That's a pretty awesome storm right there..

Good night, and don't piss Superman off

quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012

Saint Seiya sketch

I watched a lecture this week on the History of Manga and started to miss these guys. Sorry I didn't draw Ikki, I just hate him a lot.

Have a great weekend, y'all!